More Ethnic Rhythms to learn and practice
Mideastern rhythms
For this kind of rhythms, there is a simple pentagram notation:

Ta or Tak
double Roll or curl strokes

The double roll , can be played with the three fingers of your left hand, in a
one-after- the-other sequence: Index, Middle, Fourth.
Dum-ta ta dum-ta ta ta ta ta - / dum tatatatata - tatatatata - ta //
Dum ta ta tei ta ta tei ta dum ta ta tei ta ta tei ta,
(all syllables at the same tempo)
Dum tatatata ta - tatatata ta - ta - / ta - tatatata ta - tatatata ta - ta //
Now, it's time to show you a few mideastern rhythms. Follow is Basmudi or Masmoudi,
a 4/4 very popular mediterranean rhythm.
Start by counting slowly 1, 2, 3, 4 and try to read & play following the pentagram notation:
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

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Ethnic rhythms to learn and practice
Sound Sample of Wahid, coming soon...